
3 am conversion

Some thoughts I had this week amid an all-nighter:

Can I be a grade addicted, over-driven student and meet God? Can all nighters be a place of holiness?

I am sitting at my kitchen table. It is pitch black, three hours until sunrise. I will meet the sun before I meet my bed this night. The lights are turned off and I am surrounded by candles as I listen to music of the kingdom and sit with a text on mysticism, the life of a prophet and social justice. I have Seattle’s favorite sacrament, coffee, as my companion and exhortation in a hand-made mug as I slowly study for a paper. Is this not a sacrament? Is this not sacred. One minute I am entrenched in thoughts of what grade I might get, but the next I am brought to tears as I listen for God’s plan for my small life and petty soul.

And I know, Jesus sits with me this night at this table. I will not rest until Friday night, when all the work is done. Then too, Jesus will Sabbath with me. We will sleep in together. We will wander Greenlake together. Could I ask more of a sacred life?

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