

a poem i wrote this week instead of, in turning of the tables style, cussing out a veteran elder of my church:

Old storyteller, am I like you?
Unstoppable, artful rambling
Each pause purpose fully drawn out
Each word rehearsed
Acted out
Retreating step by intentioned step
Into darkness
Into solitude
Into soliloquy
Into the black separation that can only be named Hell
Is your audience there?
I thought I was human
I thought I was present
I thought you saw me

Then, I was no more

Like a cardboard seat filler, you froze me in time
A smile nailed to my bleeding, wounded face
Where did I go when you defaced me?
The pain the tension the loss the death
Of not existing
Too much
Too much

My persistent frown rips both my flesh and your painted smile from my face
And I shine through the mask
Is the light too much?
Is my presence too much?
Is there room for me in your soliloquy?

I speak
handing me to your rough hands
As any cardboard seat filler
I am unheard
Crushed, folded, put away, replaced with a kinder audience

I break free from the coffin you’d put me in
The soliloquy continues

And, through my private tears, mine does too.

art idea

check out the work of art blog (www.woaministries.blogspot.com) i posted an art idea.

pen wars

i have to be quick...i just got back from a mission trip and i am way behind on school stuff now.

a moment from the trip:

he was 12 and lucky not to be picking fruit in the fields - next year for sure. he said he had no name then he said his name was "betsy" because he thought my name tag said that instead of becky. a girl told me his name was Manuel - i believe that's short for a name that means "God with us." the boy caused so much trouble - beating up the little kids, poking everyone so hard you could swear his figer was a knife, stabbing some with sticks etc. as he was running around saying, "i don't want to listen to the story, i'm going to kick everyone," he began to yell repetitively, "i have adhd, i have adhd." No shit. he was the epitome of a trouble maker. all the leaders wished he'd go away. i don't know why, but i loved him.

God loves us without standing and shaking a finger - "you should be better." that's what i wanted to do with this kid. when he picked up two washable felt pens and played with them like they were switch blades, i decided to take his love language of violence and join him. we had a pen fight to end all pen fights - two showers later and i still have marker on my arms.

i hope that, for at least the hour i was there, he knew someone loves and even likes him just as he is - without any adendums.

then i left the next morning...the glory of the short term mission trip is a sarcastic discussion for later.


eternal sunshine of a child's face

classes at MHGS need to be paired intimately with the simple beauty of a child's smile. though it doesn't heal or even sooth the pain of truth, a smile from my best freind's daughter, Jaguar, infuses any dreary, overcast mood with seemingly endless - almost too bright to tolerate - sunshine.

hence, her name to me is "Sunshine."

Faith, Hope, Love and Death

So here’s the full story about my aunt Betty. Days ago, she had a heart attack and her unstoppable car careened off of a cliff where she died. I found out days later. She was already lost and, though I had not seen her at anything but a funeral, our family’s favorite gathering place of late, in years – though her presence in my life had been lost and lost to my full knowledge for years – though her interaction in my life in any nurturing way years ago when she moved to Arizona – and I mourned that, I dealt with it and filed it under a long list of pain titled “that’s life,” my numbness to her existence was still rooted in her living. Then she dies, and I am already alienated and removed from her so that her death is almost a sarcastic fact I have already assumed and assimilated into my life. I have so integrated her death into my life that the fact of her death is incapable of touching me.

Days later, I encounter my mom, who is holding a piece of information, an event, she wants to communicate with me. It is my mom, not someone who has left and disappointed me (well, okay, she has done that many times, but for the purposes of this entry, I’ll let that slide). I come to her soft, weary eyes with a soft, weary heart and let the sarcastic monologue, filled with protective, pre-emptive cynicism and void of the dangerous possibilities of hope – my armor – relax and fall away. Then, she stings me with what is assimilated and assumed but unfelt: Aunt Betty died.

This is what happened for me this weekend in class at Mars Hill. I found out – my heart found out – that the church – or at least its modern contemporary forms – has died. Speeding out of control and beyond her capacity and even calling, the church induced cardio pulmonary arrest. Unconscious, she careened off a cliff and crashed.

Meanwhile, inexpressibly hurt and abandoned – alienated – by the church, I had already assumed and assimilated her death. I filed our interaction under a title bathed in sarcasm, hopelessness, and self-preservation – “that’s life in the church.” The days that the church had spent nurturing me were long since over – if they ever even existed. Then the church dies and I have already assumed and assimilated that into my life. I have so integrated her death into my life that the fact of her death is incapable of touching me.

Only, there is no agent like my mother to toss my guard out and enable encounter with the weight of the death – or is there?

As I encounter and begin to assimilated Heschel’s statement “the higher goal of spiritual living is not to amass a wealth of information, but to face sacred moments.” I open myself to encounter whatever truth the divine other brings to me as we, together, face destructively sacred moments.

I come to God’s soft and restorative eyes with a soft and weary heart and surrender to this divine other my armor. God gently but painfully – like a bandaid – removes the armor and does nothing to prepare me so that I can fully experience the death my intellect has acknowledged and my mouth proclaimed but my heart has sheltered and hedged itself from. God stings me with what is assimilated and assumed but unfelt: “What you have known as church died.”

And for the first time I feel it and fight with every power in me against tears. Publicly, I only slightly lose that battle – with two or three tears running in Chariots of Fire style slow motion down a cheek prepared for a flood – almost longing for the flood that’s held back by the levy of my emotional fortitude. Privately though, I enter that death with death of my own. I stop. The pain is so great I go into shock.

The question becomes, can I sit in the shit of that moment and encounter the fact that it is shit – total lifeless, repugnant, disease spreading shit and allow that the shit can exist in a place that is filled with God. God brings grace. Can I and will I sit still in this sacred moment and feel the depth not only of the colossal fall I have taken, not only the fact that what I’ve fallen into is shit, but also in the depth of grace – a depth I have been unwilling to experience.

The one who has been forgiven much loves much.

How great the potential for a church emerging from contemporary, modern life to love. It is there, hidden in the shit that grace is felt in the depths of the heart and there in the ambivalent pain and ecstacy of grace that hope is found in the faith that we are free to fall



Faith, hope, and love – the fruit that grow when the seed of divine love, which is grace, is incarnationally, sacrificially, intentionally and undeservedly planted in the fertile manure of the shit we produce and fall into.


creation video

i'm making a video about creation - not creation as in the great outdoors - not creation as in creationism - the poetic nature of creation.

anyway, i'm hung up on man. we're using Neal's hands in dirt for the forming part and we found a cool picture for man coming to life, but i don't have a clue how to do the breath part.


sweet but unimportant

i just found out that i can make my phone play cool songs instead of ringing - for the caller! - when someone calls me.

when my homies call now, they'll hear death cab instead of ring.

how sweet is that!


i found out i didn't get any of the scholarships i applied for

my aunt betty died in a car accident - aparently she drove off a cliff

i found out that my cousin who i though committed suicide last year was actually murdered and the murderers are getting off

i want to simply whine about the day from start to finish, but my understanding, experience, and knowledge of God allows me to see the sacredness in these moments.

maybe this is how theology leads to worship.

maybe this is what heschel meant when he said, “the higher goal of spiritual living is not to amass a wealth of information, but to face sacred moments."

my wealth of information and experience give me the fortitude not to run from these but to dive into and encounter them and God within them - and so i face an undesired sacred moment.


tattoos? help?

Originally uploaded by eyeheartseattle.
i'm getting a tattoo a week from friday or maybe saturday. here's the three i'm thinkikng of. let me know which one you think would be best. thanks.

also, i just realized that the sigma at the end will need to be different - i'd change that before gettign the tattoo, but i don't have time right now.
the flowers could be red too.

A Winding World of Seeming Subjectivity

A poem i wrote yesterday morning:

You pound down the stairs, eyes glued to the floor
You enter my soft silent morning with penniless words
I am a cold, quick daughter running for the door
Not quick enough
You peer over my shoulder with unwanted unedited commentary
Your gaze is a bullet aimed past the plank to my busy speck
I am a hurting, lost daughter running for a door I though was opened but know is closed

You are a mist in the air an accidental memory
You enter my young hopeful morning with a theiving recollection
I am a resiliant, lonely three year old behind a baracaded door
Not strong enough
You peer past my humanity with unloving, unsavory contact
Your affect is a lingering, often forgitten bullet imbedded for 20 years
I am an angry, protective older sister of a girl too long lost behind a door blocked with hatred

You raise your gaze to meet mine, eyes begin to well
You enter my red shouting morning with penniless hope
I am a kind, trying daughter standing in the door
Too quick
You peer past my wishfulness with unsatisfying unsatisfied brokenness
Your gaze is a bullet aimed away but penetrating an already bleeding heart
I am a disappointing, hard working daughter standing in a door that swings too slowly shut

You invite me to your bank terminal
You enter my rushed important morning with pennies
I am a nice, smiling no one running round a revolving door

Your voice reaches my ear through airwaves, ear glued to the phone
You enter my winding hopeful morning with willingness
I am a weary, immature approximation of a boss fainting through a door way and on to the floor

You rush your fingers across keys and tap a button
You are absent in my lost over-used morning with penniless un-expectation
I am a caffeinated, disappointed approximation of a friend standing miles from a doorway

You look past me answering phone call upon phone call
You enter my filled unfulfilled morning with absent stare
I am a worn, un-encountered unknown stepping in and out of a heavy door

The morning ends as I am careless and heavy
I run you over
Your insides come out
Your tiny feathers and now crushed legs and beak
And draw my tears
I feel sick and want the morning back or erased either will do

There is evening and there is morning
A new day beacons on the horizon
You’ve entered each morning though I gaze past you into abyss
I am an ever-blessed beloved
I am a forgiven, for giving daughter
I am a protected, beloved child
I am a valued, created someone
I am a faith-given, faith filling servant
I am a sought after, intimate friend
I am a rejuvenated, known continual encounter
Never truly subjective – simply seeming so
Or maybe subjective only to your great light-filled presence


christian: a many edged dagger

last night i heard that mars hill - the church - preached that jacob represents the christians and esau the "non-christians". the idea was that you should be okay with "non-christians" being blessed on earth because it is the only heaven they'll see.

crap. i hate christians sometime. i wish i weren't one. i wouldn't be one except that the actual "christ" looks nothing like most "christ"ians.

i ended up in a room with a bunch of evangelical women and one proud fundamentalist. this is how the mars hill story was related to me. they also hypothesized who would make it into heaven. one lady is expected to be there because she recieved good sunday school curriculum mail. i guess i'm in then. too bad i wasted all that time praying for grace when all i had to do was order a magazine.

another woman complained about a tarp her husband put up in her yard - she said, and i quote, "this is my house, not a place where, you know, a bunch of mexicans live or something."

they also slammed on mars hill though - not for fundamentalism, not for how they treat women - instead because they play loud rock music that hurts children's ears.

my ears were hurt. if those kids go deaf, they've been well served by mars hill.

am i any better? i'm judging and classifying them for judging and classifying others.

it just depresses me so much. what the f is wrong with people that they can read the bible and come up with a pietistic, judging, merciless product? what can be thought of a God who has more mercy on these women than on "non-christians" who spend their lives serving others and alieviating pain? what can be thought of this mercy if it does not free from a sinful cycle of alienation based on titles and creeds - or lack there-of? what can be said of a faith that takes its name, attaches "non" in front and creates a new group of leppers - unclean, unholy, undeserving of any good and bound for eternal fire?

i told my mom a while ago that i didn't want to be called "christian" anymore. i've gone back and forth and back and forth and i want to stand my ground. i want to grow more and more in the image of Christ - i want to reclaim an abused name and i don't want to use that name for further separation - alienating myself from a group i belong to and becoming a spiritual lone ranger. still, i feel like throwing up when the word "christian" tumbles off my tongue.

a struggle i'm sure has no near end.



Originally uploaded by eyeheartseattle.
check it out - the new name/logo for my youth group.

wierd to think that after years of dreaming up names "fusion" is what we're going with.

its pretty cool though. the last youth pastor alienated the kids from the church and the popular kids from the rest. he named the group "gap." (going after the prize) how cool and hopefully symbolic is the difference between "gap" and "fusion"?

if you pray, maybe toss john 17 up as a prayer for my group.


One of my wisest friends, in whose presence i wish i could morph into a sponge and absorb every dew-drop of insight (save a few attempts as profundidty that are really, as my friends admits, piles of beautiful, but sort of worthless in a jedi way, bull shit - but, they wound pretty, so they're still cool), once explained a new concept of idolarty - worshipping a God we have created in our minds but that is not God at all.

willful sin, then, is maybe the refusal to see God as who God is though God reveals God's self - cleaving to our imaginary, hideous idols rather than to our unspeakably beautiful God.

I think I came within milliseconds of a nervous breakdown twice this weekend and once last. I had to literally stop and breathe - then dive back into the daunting responsibility of christian education (both mine and the children and youth at my church). As i launched back into studies and plans, i felt my jaw clenched with stress. then i heard a voice (no not audible - my life hasn't drven me to that level of insaity - yet). God and i proceeded to converse:

"What are you doing"

"Um...I'm studying...duh."

"Ok, but why?"

"Well, for you."


"Why else would I kill myself like this?"

"Umm, yeah, that's not what I had in mind with the whole 'die to yourself' thing. I think you're missing the point. You're certianly missing me. In fact, you've made me into a idol - or, more correctly, you've made yourself an idol in your own image to worship - one that is demanding, unforgiving, judging and can't begin to comprehend joy. Remember when I taught you about grace and it changed your life? Remember when I showed you how everything breaks down to love? Remember how that changed everything you know? Where has that gone? Stop. Rest. Breathe - breathe the breath I give you - breathe me. Stop performing for an idol and start singing and dancing for me - you'll find that I dance with you, restore you, reveal more and more of love and grace to you, and provide your every breath."

Conscious of time and of eternity, I held the two in tension, slowed my breathing, stopped to see Seattle's love-letter-esque quality unfolding around me and continued my studies feeling loved and knowing God's grace covers my failures (academically, vocationally, spiritually etc.) and that God's grace takes the repugnant weeds of idolatry and transforms them to breath-takingly, tear invokingly beautiful roses.

Two days later....my brother told me he's worried I'm literally going to kill myself working. He reminded me, this isn't what God wants for you - it's idolatry. Crap. Why does rest even have to be a journey? One more repentance. One more exposure of idolatry. One step closer I guess - but the joy, somehow, is the trek and not the arrival. Time to stop and smell the metaphorical roses.


Deep Concern

Every year, my church has a civil war aka rumage sale. Tempers are short and little old people have flooded the fellowship hall for anything but fellowship as they are out for blood. I've been warned by our sweet, awesome secretary not to go down there. This raises a question: should I see the depths of discord which infect the congregants...or should I run for dear life?

Anyway, this is beside the point. Last night the fellowship hall -- and every other room in the church was filled completely. The youth had no place to meet. So...we sinfully treked to the evil empire (starbucks). Two of my youth asked me to buy them coffee but I firmly stated that I would buy no coffee product from *$. So they got chocolate milk - whatever.

One of my favorite kids, Luke, asked if we could sit outside. This seemed reasonable. The seeming reasonability of this, however, shows my extreme lack of insight. Such is life.

Cars zoomed by, construction on the road overpowered, no one would pay attention. So, I found myself talking louder and louder and getting more and more frustrated and losing the eloquence with which I had planned to deliver the message. In Zach Morris style, time stood still and I commented that I hated who I was being. By the end, I was pissed. I was pissed at them not for being loud and refusing to pay attention but for forcing me to a place where I had to choose between raising my voice and striving to hold their attention and some other unknown option. Worse, I was pissed at myself for choosing the former and not being creative enough to uncover the latter.

I know the kids heard some things. I had the amazing opportunity to explain grace to one of my youth -- and the blessing of having all the other youth constantly interrupt me giving him sound bites from previous lessons I'd given -- they, at least cognitively, get grace and love! :) It was in no way a loss. These kids are learning to think and the beauty of that is beyond description.

However, I hate being in that place. I'm the youngest of all the leaders and one of only two women - but I'm THE LEADER. I don't want to be the fledgling chic striving to be heard (literally or figuratively). I've never wanted to be that. I hope I'm not becoming that.


one more thing

I'm also doing a film festival instead of weekly youth group this summer and am looking for a cool but not cheesey title for that - jeff and jeff-like people resist too much sarcasm if possible :).

any ideas?

the coolest VBS ever

I'm working on VBS-ish thing for youth. I'm going to use the seven episodes in McLaren's "The Story We Find Ourselves In" as seven topics - one for each night. Here's the probable format:

5-6 - youth from my church make dinner together (form community?!?)
6-7 - eat dinner (my youth, their friends, youth from other churches)
7-7:30 - games that are fun but create community and have at least some form of meaning (without being cheesey)
7:30-8:15 program

  • Music (a couple of worship songs some connected secular songs)
  • Video - I'd like to have a video for each episode - I might have to make them all though and I don't know that I'll have time for that.
  • Short Message
  • Related Testimony (as in testifying story not as in conversion story)
  • Question and answer (we'll take questions but also have an annonymous question drop box where no question will be off limits)
8:15-8:30 - small group time
8:30-8:45 - recap program
8:45-X optional worship and prayer time (game room also open)

So...the reason I'm posting this is that I want help with ideas - parables, videos, games, food, titles for the event (some one suggested "the 7 seas since McLaren has the 7 "c"s -- but...yeah, I'd like to try something else), cautions, insights, prayer etc.

Incase you don't know the 7 episodes, they are:
  1. Creation
  2. Crisis/Chaos
  3. Calling
  4. Conversation
  5. Christ
  6. Community/Church
  7. Consumation

So feel free to either post or email me ideas -- or to pass this post on to other people who might have ideas.

If you know any youth ministers (or youth) in the seattle area who might want to collaborate, let me know.