
Shouldn't children's ministry be an important part of the church? Shouldn't a postmodern ministry reach mainly to the newest generation - the one most saturated in post modernity - children? Instead, it seems like this is where the old paradigm is most entrenched. So, we have kids who say things like "church is where we learn all those things we believe but aren't true." When church babysits kids, what's the point?

You would not believe how difficult it is to find a worthwhile chidlren's curriculum -- most, you're supposed to buy sight unseen. How irresponsible is that? I would create my own curriculum, but between youth ministry, children's ministry and school, there is no time. This has to be one of the most frustrating things I have encountered -- being forced to do something that is less than perfect, and probably less than good, for God's children. ahhh!!!!!

So, if anyone knows of some actually good children's curriculum, let me know.


g13 said...

no recommendations here. though i have heard that the new veggie tales curriculum is going to kick ass!

have you read beckwith's postmodern children's ministry? if so, is it any good?

Becky said...

are you serious about veggie tales?

no...not yet, but i will soon. the only thing is that i've heard it takes the focus off of fun, and i think theology should be more fun and that we should take a note from kids on the subject. but i'll read it for sure.

g13 said...

i'm serious about integrity publishing a new veggie curriculum, but i'm not serious about the quality.

you might want to check out what solomon's porch is doing with their children's ministries. they've always got some decent ideas.