

Reformers days isabout a week and a half away...while working on a reformer's day post, I came across these quotes from Martin Luther:
(Note: I have left the sexist language in because, frankly, Luther was sexist.)

"God writes the Gospel not in the Bible alone, but also on trees, and in the flowers and clouds and stars."

"It is pleasing to God whenever thou rejoices or laughest from the bottom of thy heart"

"Grant that I may not pray alone with the mouth; help me that I may pray from the depths of my heart"

"So our Lord God commonly gives riches to those gross asses to whom He vouchsafes nothing else"

"Be thou comforted, little dog, Thou too in Resurrection shall have a little golden tail"

"When God wants to speak and deal with us, he does not avail himself of an angel but of parents, or the pastor, or of our neighbor"

"For in the true nature of things, if we rightly consider, every green tree is far more glorious than if it were made of gold and silver."

"I am more afraid of my own heart than the Pope and all his cardinals. I have within me the great Pope, Self."

"Grace is given to heal the spiritually sick, not to decorate spiritual heroes"

"Be a sinner and sin strongly, but more strongly have faith and rejoice in Christ."

"Every great book is an action, and every great action is a book."

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