
a cancerous body

with every passing day, i lose more hope for the church
do i lose hope for whose body she is?
with every passing day, i am bruised more deeply by the church
do i blame whose body she is?
with every passing day, i see her for more of a whore.
where is the fool whose bride she shall be?

with every passing day, she is more murderous.
with every passing day, she is treaterous
with every passing day, she further defaces me
until i am unrecognizeable

where is the face who held passion
where are the eyes in who's pupil was reflected a vision of hope
where are the cheeks that were rosey with the contentment of true love
where is the steady brow of faith
where has the voice of the prophet gone?

murdered. murdered. murdered. MURDERED!

"we have so long lived in the dark night of the soul that we know no light
if you bring it near us, we will kill you
in order to extinguish its faint but piercing glow"

and so today i declare my independence.
though i am you, you are nothing to me
and in that separation, i find an inch to breathe

may God raise me from the shallow grave you dug for me

may i, resurrected, one day have life enough to rejoin you
may i return to the body that has abused me
may i be rejoined to the dysfunctional family that has utterly destroyed me
may i find my face
may i find courage to live

another day





the cancerous body of Christ.


K said...


Wow, there is so much emotion in this poem. Please don't take that as a knock or anything. Much to the contrary, I feel like I'm right there with you in these words. I am not sure what to do myself. I find that I am so angry at her as well. She truly is the whore, and left her true love.

Its just like Hosea. Even though the stupid prostitute keeps cheating on her husband, he just keeps taking her back...thats just like me...he keeps taking me back too. So He who loves her is no fool. Christ loves her with so much better love than us ...how we do that as well...I don't think I know, I'm lost too. take heart...not cancerous everywhere... there are places where christianity costs something...somewhere..just not here.

K said...

hey one more thing,

about your house church idea... I am just real excited for you...I dont know you granted...but this is what the Lord is calling me to do. I actually have been praying for a while now with the people I feel should be a part of the team who will do it...but actually already have someone who wants to give me the houses. so we arent hearing God in a vacuum..praise the Lord. Intense communities of faith is what we need. good stuff

Becky said...

i am so stoked for others to be doing house churches.

as for the poem...i just quit my job as a minster and began to feel life again - the poem is what came from that.

i will look foward to communally blogging our way through the journey of house church.

if you have time, you should read the blogs from "sinners and saints," the house church I used to be a part of. They are doing some amazing things and have some great insight into life together.

g13 said...

sounds like sinners and saints seattle is slowly becoming a reality. give me a call and let's start dreamin'.

Becky said...

give me a week or two. i'm still bleeding. i think if i start visioning a house church right now it will be a reactionary picture of everything that lcpc is not - so i need some time to heal from that...

plus, i quit, but it's not effective until january - and then i might be staying with the youth until march or june.

the house church probably won't start until mid summer. or, i was thinking it would be cool to do a "tour" with some leadership and take a trip to see sinners and saints then maybe also kellie's old house church too...
funds would be an issue...so we'll see.

g13 said...

taking a bit of time makes sense, becky.bear. visiting xenos would be quite the experience. you should give it a shot.

Becky said...

I wonder if maybe a few people couldd send letters about starting a house church ministry and needing support for a "training" trip - that would really just be visitting house churches. it wouldn't cost much more than air fare - maybe people could even donate flyer miles?

hmmm...we'll see - later though.

i might also go to africa sometime this summer. so i think it will be fall before it really starts - but that does give a ton of time for dreaming.

g13 said...


i think your decision to stay with the kids until january is laudable. but i think staying until march or june is (probably...and hear this with the love it is intended!) stupid.

when you've decided to move on, your heart begins to move towards other things and the kids know that there is a definite terminus in your relationship. in other words, you'll probably be a lame duck youth minister at that point.

so be a good Christian, stick it out until january, and then move on.

of course, that's only my opinion...i could very well be wrong.

g13 said...

on another note, let's try to piece that trip together. i think i would like to go with you. here are some churches we might want to hit:

apex in vegas

solomon's porch in minnesota (i pimp pagitt's books, so he will feel obligated to talk to me:)

vineyard central in cincinatti

a simple way in philadelphia

are there others you would be interested in visiting.

Becky said...


to put it lightly, there's a lot more details to the whole thing. we'll see what happens.

none of the kids know i'm quitting yet - and actually very few people know that i'm quitting everything.

wow...that sounds like an awesome trip. my only thought is that that also sounds like a lot of money/flyer miles?

hmm...let me look into what churches i want. maybe we could dream it then scale it down if necessary when it comes to financing it.

Anonymous said...

Sweet Becky, the ache in me is filling my eyes as I read. Piercing, distusting, liberating truth.

Wounded woman, beaten down and half dead, I am with you. I sit with you, in that awful place where despair and hope blugeon each other. As hurt swells under the influence of your words, some crazy part of me wonders about the touch of redemtion. What does it look like? What is it looking like right now? How does it feel growing within me? Who is its face in front of me? What is its texture, its voice? I crave it and I hate it because to long hurts so much. But I want it, with you, terribly... to grow on our backs so we can fly back to the church and to ourselves.

What an exquisite pain to think that I am the cancer and the church and the fleshed Spirit of God all in one and that as much as the church has ravaged me, I have also deeply ravaged myself. I am Gomer and yet I detest Gomer's face in the pews and on the 700 Club.

And yet in the ravaging moments, redemption kept my heart beating and held my skin on and kept some deep corner of my soul breathing. What a haunting thing, redemption. I don't what to do with it.

Thank you for giving a potent glimpse of your wound and your dream, Becky. I am honored. And quieted. We are in the sisterhooded of the castle stormers.

Becky said...


awesome words. it's good to remember that there is solidarity in storming the castle.

i'm thinking back to the princess bride and how the characters that storm the castle were enemies and am curious but also repulsed to imagine storming the castle WITH the 700 club - or even with my church without asking them to become as i am - only to acknowledge that we have been wounded and need each other if the castle is to be stormed.

maybe my whoring and her whoring are different - and in ways that i am proud of - but we are none the less the same and none the less in need of each other. shit.