
the coolest VBS ever

I'm working on VBS-ish thing for youth. I'm going to use the seven episodes in McLaren's "The Story We Find Ourselves In" as seven topics - one for each night. Here's the probable format:

5-6 - youth from my church make dinner together (form community?!?)
6-7 - eat dinner (my youth, their friends, youth from other churches)
7-7:30 - games that are fun but create community and have at least some form of meaning (without being cheesey)
7:30-8:15 program

  • Music (a couple of worship songs some connected secular songs)
  • Video - I'd like to have a video for each episode - I might have to make them all though and I don't know that I'll have time for that.
  • Short Message
  • Related Testimony (as in testifying story not as in conversion story)
  • Question and answer (we'll take questions but also have an annonymous question drop box where no question will be off limits)
8:15-8:30 - small group time
8:30-8:45 - recap program
8:45-X optional worship and prayer time (game room also open)

So...the reason I'm posting this is that I want help with ideas - parables, videos, games, food, titles for the event (some one suggested "the 7 seas since McLaren has the 7 "c"s -- but...yeah, I'd like to try something else), cautions, insights, prayer etc.

Incase you don't know the 7 episodes, they are:
  1. Creation
  2. Crisis/Chaos
  3. Calling
  4. Conversation
  5. Christ
  6. Community/Church
  7. Consumation

So feel free to either post or email me ideas -- or to pass this post on to other people who might have ideas.

If you know any youth ministers (or youth) in the seattle area who might want to collaborate, let me know.


Becky said...

My intern Neal came up with an awesome possible title "the never ending story" any thoughts?

g13 said...

damn, that sounds pretty good. keep at it, kid.