

i found out i didn't get any of the scholarships i applied for

my aunt betty died in a car accident - aparently she drove off a cliff

i found out that my cousin who i though committed suicide last year was actually murdered and the murderers are getting off

i want to simply whine about the day from start to finish, but my understanding, experience, and knowledge of God allows me to see the sacredness in these moments.

maybe this is how theology leads to worship.

maybe this is what heschel meant when he said, “the higher goal of spiritual living is not to amass a wealth of information, but to face sacred moments."

my wealth of information and experience give me the fortitude not to run from these but to dive into and encounter them and God within them - and so i face an undesired sacred moment.

1 comment:

g13 said...

excellent post. may you continue to listen for God in the midst of the boredom and pain of life.