
welcome back "Adventure," my friend and foe

the return of mars hill hit me tonight.

i was enjoying a quiet drive home from an eveing with jen, caleb, jaguar, and ocean - who proclaimed many many times "i don't want to see becky either!" sure, he's barely three, and therefore still acts as though he's two, missed his nap, and was overdue for bedtime - but it still hurts. anyway, i was driving home in my quiet (my cd player broke) car when questions of grief, presence, hope, story etc. invaded my head without warning.

"ahhh" i said to myself, "and so ends vacation. so many things to think about. so much disruption. so little time."

i journaled briefly in my car, having parked but not gone into my house yet, cataloguing the many stories and questions that met me, announcing the beginning of spring semester. then, i boldly though haggardly stepped out of my car and into my home (ok, there were some steps between the two as i do not park literally one step from my door).

the odd thing is, i had a soft and somewhat confident smile on my face. to quote bill murray, "this is an adventure." to the adventure i say, "welcome back - can't say i missed you much, but i'm glad you're here and will follow you wherever you lead."

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