
Remember God is Using You

This post is for you my friend - you know I would never quote a Christian song on my blog except for you!

There is no pain. Jesus can't feel.
No hurt he can not heal.
All things work,
according to his perfect will.
No matter what,
your going through.
Remember God is using you.
For the battle is not yours.
It's the Lords.

There is no sadness.
Jesus can't heal
and there is no sorrow
Jesus can't feel.
All things work according to
the Masters Holy Will.
For the battle is not yours.
It's the Lords

(It's the Lords)

It's the Lords.
It is the Lords.
Hold your head up high.
Don't you cry [this part is total bullshit! cry! lots!]. It's the Lords.
No matter what. Your going through
remember God is using you.
For the battle is not yours. It's the Lords
-Yolanda Adams

no moment of transformation, of encounter, of redeeming love, of birthing hope amidst dispair comes without God orchestrating it.

i found this to be true tonight as my compassion for a treasured friend drove me to the grocery store to get her a boquet of flowers.

"hmmm....roses? spring flowers? how much money do i have? can i get her both? oh...i have more money than i thought.
hmmm...wouldn't it be awesome if it was overwhelming? i'll get tons of flowers.
oh and candles! lots of candles.
you know what i'll do, i set the candles up outside - oh and some rose petals! yeah! then she can come in and see the rest of the flowers!

by the time i left safeway, a simple flower arrangement had morphed into an elaborate set up. as my friend met this surprise, it was, to her, a prophetic and hope-giving experience that i could never have planned or known. only God could have given her that gift.

how great it is and was to playfully, whole-heartedly live into loving a friend only to find that God orchestrated my heart into God's exquisite painting for my friend.


Anonymous said...

Just as lotions and fragrance give sensual delight, a sweet friendship refreshes the soul.
Proverbs 27:9

Amen and amen!

Anonymous said...

What a precious heart and an enormous capacity of kindness you lay claim to, Miss Becky. In the midst of your own grief and your own questions you are driven to soothe your friends sadness and remind her where the battlefield is truly located --- you are awesome. I am so appreciative of you and of God's design in you. I pray for your sucess and happiness.

Mac Goddard said...

Thanks for loving my friend!!

Unknown said...

Becky, I'm Annie's old roommate-- while I'm so far away, it's wonderful to know she has such a loving friend nearby. God bless you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!