
lost and found

sure, i lose things A LOT! (ie my cell phone today), but sometimes it comes to immeasurable good.

when i was as gcts, i had an ethiopian friend whose wife had a baby back in ethopia. he had never seen his son and didn't know when he would.

meanwhile, i lost my digital camera. it was a gift and i felt bad, so i bought a new one. then, i found my camera. what was i to do with two cameras?

i gave one to my friend so that he could mail it to his wife who could mail it back to him with pictures and even video of their son. the first time he saw his son was on the camera i lost.

today i recieved this email - and i guess i'm okay with losing my cell phone:

"Dear Rebecca,

Greetings to you in Jesus name. This is your Ethiopian friend from Gcts. I am still in Boston doing ministry with Ethiopian immigrants. My wife and son just joined me from Ethiopia. I am still using the Digital Camera you gave it to me. Thank you again. Let me know how things are going on for you.


Aboma Dirbaba"


g13 said...

that's a great story. aboma and his wife live with the corcoran's down on drayton street (the house near ma sis' place). i'm going to have to reconnect with him at some point.

james said...

Vintage becky! Good work friend.

Anonymous said...

that story kicks serious sentimental ass. thanks.

Anonymous said...

that above comment is from your roommate. blogspot chose to reject my identity.