
quotes out of context, volume two, chapter two

Odd and deleterious things are coming out of [my] nose and mouth.

If I had my mind back, which I’m not sure it really was there ever, but I certainly don’t have it here right now.

If you want agony, be married.

My head is not fully on today.

You have 20 years to waste.

[Urination] for a male, is something he can stand almost completely apart from and yet participate in.

I got into a 15-minute discussion with a fellow urinator.

I really want to go to bed. I want to take a walk. I want sex, or I want something to eat.

You’re ridiculous. I should have just said that, you are ridiculous.

The night, actually, is fairly dark.

The suburban world kills marriages

You will have bloody hands every day of your life.

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