
leaving lake city

today i leave my charge
today i am greeted
by failure and freedom locked incestually together
by soul-shaking solitude and the hope of communal afershock perichoretically joined
do i join the dance
am i lost in that dance

like a 3/4 time waltz of nausiating hope and disappointment
can i step into this swirling world

once i took waltz lessons
for the wedding of a friend
her father-in-law scared me
i wore a new dress and comfortable shoes
one-two-three, one-two-three, one-two-three and on
on your toes then back to the ground
smoothly turn without looking down
you circle and circle and how long can it last
one-two-three, one-two-three, one-two-three
the beat picks up pace
onetwothree, onetwothree,onetwothree
nausia increases and perichoresis gives way to dreams of flight

zach morris walks in and freezes frame long enough to ask the question
do i want off the swirling merry-go-round?
do i want out of the dance?
in this moment, i see a vision of a burnt-out and meaningless life of chores
waiting and watching dancing with the stars on syndicated television from a lazy boy
the distant pulse continues without me

let me on

today, i do not leave my charge
today i am greeted
by failure and faith locked incestually together
by soul-shaking solitude and the hope of communal afershock perichoretically joined
i join the dance
and there i
am lost

1 comment:

Agent B said...

Sorry to be a finger-pointing jackass...

...but waltz is 3/4 time. There's no such thing as a 3 on the bottom of a time signature.

All the best to you...