
"all one face"

after mexico and othello, american kids drive me nuts. they are so spoiled, so distant, so demanding.

then, sunday morning, as i emerged from my tent to a line of kids waiting to 1) chastise me for sleeping in so late and 2) hug me, i began to wonder if the kids are really all that much different?

bryan insightfully reflected on the faces of children (www.bnixon.blogspot.com). in the last scene of "imposters" with stanley tucci, a confused communist with a bomb detinator in hand preaches about his ideal world where all people are the same. he looks across the faces of the people present and, in their pain, humiliation, love, hope, desparation, he sees that across class and nationality, we are all the same. he chants, "all one face, all one face, all one face!" then he throws the detinator away.

are our faces that different when all is said?

and, if we are in Christ, shouldn't we all be a portion of the great mosaic that is the one incarnational face of Jesus?

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