
a few things drawing my mind back to home church

1) i'm pretty sure i'm going to boston at the beginning of september! woohoo!! - note that this woohoo would be completely negated if i planned on venturing to the spiritual war zone that is gordon-conwell - but i have no such intention. i just miss the restful feeling of the fellowship in my spiritual home in beverly.

2) i'll get to see sinners and saints and andrea - the remnant of people i'd be stoked to see

3) jeff's given me the title "liturgical poet." i don't know what to do with that. what does that mean? what responsibilities come with that? what would that have meant at home church? what on earth can that mean at my church?

i want to stop working and just write. alas, that's not possible for at least three years - so i'll try to pretend the idea didn't occur to me.


g13 said...

i don't know what it means either, but i'll venture a guess:

liturgical poets order their words in such a way that they point us towards God and provoke us to love and serve others.

Becky said...


thanks. that's alot. it fosters a desire, long lost in busy work, to carefully craft my lessons at church - as well as a fear that this desire and hope, possibly purposefully burried in excuses, will result in unsuccess.

hmmm...ambivilent room for growth.

thanks many times over.