
Mexico 2 - life in a moment

first, you should maybe know that my mexico post comes from two nights of not sleeping because i thought i had a black widow bite and might die --- it wasn't a black widow (though one did make a web and take up residence on my computer charger), but it was some sort of spider that i'm alergic to and that made my leg swell more than it ever has before (if you don't know, i have a height complex, wear tall shoes, and sprain my ankle all the time -- it is no stranger to swelling :-).

anyway, when i stop deconstructing the mission and review moments, there was beauty in the mission trip - pushing children in swings as they giggled with simple joy, being drug all around a play ground as one girl calledd me "gringa" and would not let go of my hand for even one minute - seeing the joy in her face as i sat next to her after she finally did let go, welcoming youth into a conservative church and letting them brake dance during sunday school, the breath-taking joy as kristi, one of my youth - in the above picture - embraced a girl she's longed to see all year, talking with one black colorado youth who is the only minority in his youth group of 90 and is not even allowed to call himself "black," and listening to his story and struggle, meeting a college student/artist from mill creek who wants me to connect her to art community and wants to get involved in "work of art." these are good moments.

discipline opens the door to putting aside over analysis and allowing these moments to be what they are and to have awe and appreciation for their beauty.

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